2 JULY 1842, Page 21


Orrice OF ORDNANCI. June 25.-Royal Artillery-Gent. Cadets to be Second Lieuts. : R. B. M'Crea. vice Wilder. promoted; J. L. Elgee. vice D'Aguilar, promoted; J. Desborough. vice H. A. B. Campbell. promoted; D. F. Russell, vice Adair. promoted ; G. Shaw, vice Talbot, promoted; A. F. F. Lennox. vice Lempriere, promoted ; C. S. Henry. vice Thompson; E. H. It. Flint. vice Clerk, promoted; W. R. N. Taylor. vice Gichard, promoted; E. Swinton, vice R. P. Jones, promoted ; P. G. Piper', mee Ward, promoted; E. J. Paterson. vice Brandling, promoted ; C. Lucas, vice Macartney, pro. rooted; J. D. Shakespeare, vice Wragg, promoted. Royal Engineers-Gent. Cadets to be Second Lieuts. : C. W. Hope, vice Da Costa, promoted; F. W. King, vice Bayly, promoted; F. Fawke, vice Owen. promoted; C. R. Binney, vice Jervis, promoted. s WAR °FMCS. July 1.-lot Dragoons-W. De Cardonnel G. Elmsall. Gent, to be Cornet, by purchase, vice Morris, who retires. 4th Light Drags.-Capt. H. Musters,

from half-pay of the 4th Foot, to be Capt. vice Brevet Major A. Houstoun, who ex- changes; Lieut. T. W. Geils to be Capt. by purchase. vice Musters, who retires; Cornet T. J. Francis to be Lieut, by purchase. vice Geils; Lord A. Churchill to be Cornet, by purchase, vice Francis. Scots Fusilier Guards-Lieut. Hon. J. C. P. Murray to be Lieut. and Capt. by purchase, vice Dalrymple, who retires; W. G. Earl of Munster to be Ensign and Lieut. by purchase, vise Murray. 2d Font-11. 0. Potts. Gent. to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Burgh, who retires. 5th Foot-Lieut. H. I.. G. Scott. from the 66th Foot, to be Lieutenant vice Kebbel. who exchanges. 14t1, Foot - F. Hammersley, Gent, to be Ensign, by purchase. vice' Quicke, who retires. 45th Foot-Lieut. H. J. Shaw to be Capt. by purchase, vice Mello, who retires; Ensign W.

C. Armstrong to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Shaw; E. H. G. Calder, Gent, to be Eu- sign, by purchase, vice Armstrong. 51st Foot-C. P. O'Connell, Gent_ to be Ensign,

without purchase, vice Martin. whose appointment has beeu cancelled. 531 Foot- Capt. H. Barton. from half-pay unattached, to be Capt. vice R. Dyott, who exchanges; Lieut. R. B. Low to be Capt. by purchase, vice Barton, who retires; Emden J. Chester to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Low; Sir C. W. C. Burton, Bart. to be &sign, by pur- chase. vice Chester. 55th Foot-Ensign G. L. D. Amid. from 6411, Foot, to be Lieut. by purchase. vice Rogers, whose promotion has been cancelled. 63,1 Foot-J. A. Ken- zedy, Gent, to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Mayue, appointed to the 99th Foot. 64th

Foot-T. Collingwood, Gent, to be Ensign. without purchase, lice Amid, promoted. 66th Foot-Lieut. W. H. Kebbel, from the 5th Foot, to be Lieut. vice Scott, who ex-

changes. 84th Foot-Brevet-Major G. Procter. from half-pay of the Royal Mil. Coll. to be Capt. vice T. G. Veitch, who retires upon half-pay unattached; Lieut. H. St. John Clements, from the lot West India Regt. to be Lieut. vice Glubb, whose appoint- ment has been cancelled.

Rifle Brigade-Second Lieut. IL J. Brown, to be First Lieut. by purchase. vice V. Agnew. who retires; R. H. Baird, Gent. to be Second Lieut. by purchase, vice Brown. 3dWest India Regt.-Lieut. H. W. H. Graham, to be Adit. vice Smales, promoted. Unattached-Brevet•Lieut.-Col. 'I'. Falls, from half-pay unattached, to be Lieut.- Col. without purchase. Staff-Brevet-Major R. Hort, of the 81st Foot. to be Deputy Adja-Gen. to the Forces serving in the Leeward and Windward Islands, (with the rank of Lieut.-Col. in the Army,) vice Falls, who resigns. Brevet-Col. J. G. Cuyler, on half-pay of the Cape Corps, lobe Major-Gen. in the Army; Major J. C. Chad', of the 1st West India Regt. and Brevet-Major G. Procter, of the 84th Foot. to be Lieut..Cols. in the Army; Capt. H. Barton. of the 53d Foot, to be Major in the Army. Memorandurn-The names of the Ensign appointed to the 93d Foot on the 26th Feb. 1841, are Robert Hawthorn Johnston Stewart.

Erratum in the Gazette of 24th June 1842.-92d Foot-For Lieut. R. Pettey to be Capt. by purchase. vice Duff, who retires, read I,ieut. P. M•Leud Pettey to be Capt. by purchase, &c. ADMIRALTY, June 27.-Corps of Royal Marines-Second Lieut. H. W. Brooker to be First Lieut. vice G. J. Hayes, placed on half.pay ; Second Lieut. C. F. Menzies to be First Lieut. vice F. B. Blue% who resigns his commission.