2 JULY 1870, Page 3

The Sioux embassy to Washington has failed. "Red Cloud," the

Indian envoy, has had many interviews with the Secretary of the Interior, and in all of them has declared that he and his tribe have been defrauded, especially by a forged treaty surrendering his lands, which the Secretary produced, but which the Chief had never seen. The Secretary was kind and conciliatory, but never offered to cancel the Treaty. 'So at New York the Chiefs made speeches so powerful that they, even with the draw- back of an interpreter, carried away the audience ; but New York makes no effort to induce Government to give them adequate pro- tection. American action in this matter is discreditable. We are quite aware that a very bad case can be made out against the riding tribes of Indians, and can understand how philanthropy is paralyzed by a feeling that it is better even for themselves that they should disappear ; but there is a tolerance in the States not only for those who extirpate them, but for those who swindle them of their lives by small rascalities, which is as inexplicable as it is disgusting.