2 JULY 1881, Page 3

The Rev. Mr. Green, of the Portland-Street Synagogue, de- fends

the Russian Jews against the charge of being usurers, in a letter remarkable for its tone. He admits that the Russian Jews keep the spirit shops, but says they never get drunk ; and that they deal in money, but says it is because the Christians will not lend. Surely it would be simpler to say at once that spirit- dealing and money-lending are occupations recognised by law, and entitled, therefore, to legal protection. Mr. Green proceeds to say, "In the past, we have played no unimportant role in the history of civilisation. We have by unflinching manhood, the heroism of endurance, almost tired out, if not conquered, the brute force of our opponents. We will not rest content till we force the world to indorse our claims to the highest rank of citizens. We will not brook the toleration of feebler races, nor the arrogant assumptions of races strong as our own." That is precisely what the German " Jew-baiters " say. Their constant allegation is that the Jews no longer ask either toleration or equality, but dominance, and that their money will enable them to obtain it.