2 JULY 1910, Page 35

The Loyalists of Massachusetts. By James H. Stark. (J. H.

Stark, Boston, U.S. 25s. net.)—This is a presentation of the things which led to the War of Independence from the Loyalist side. The subject is one into which we are not willing to enter.

It is quite impossible to appreciate the multitude of details which Mr. Stark brings together. That there was much doubtful, or worse than doubtful, conduct on the part of the Revolutionaries cannot be doubted. There were men, for instance, who realised vast profits from the confiscation of the estates of Loyalists. All interested in this topic will find in Mr. Starks book ample satisfaction. It would have been better to confine his illustra- tions to portraits, or buildings and the like. Such a picture as that of the burning of a town in Upper Canada does not throw on history the "dry light" which is desirable.