2 JULY 1910, Page 9

Mr. Redmond, who followed Mr. Austen Chamberlain, though he had

that evening received so signal a proof of his authority, made what can only be described as a pitiful speech. In regard to the Whisky-duty, he renewed the protest which he bad previously made, and told the Chancellor of the Exchequer that in the opinion of the Nationalists it was "an unjust and oppressive tax to their country." Mr. Redmond went on to describe the very difficult position in which he and his followers had been placed. He frankly confessed that the Prime Minister's statement as to a winter Session was "almost the only crumb of comfort he had had for many weeks past." He was glad to know that it would not be possible for the Whisky-tax to come up as a distinct and separate issue till they had had some statement as to the Conference. Though lovers of bold tactics may congratulate Mr. Redmond on the courage with which he defended the whisky interests, it is impossible not to recognise the fact that as far as the Budget is concerned the Government need have no fear of Mr. Redmond's veiled threats. The Unionists are clearly not going to quarrel with the present Budget, nor is the Temperance section of the Liberal Party. This is quite sufficient to secure it from the attacks of Mr. Redmond. He may bark, but dare not, or rather cannot, bite.