2 JUNE 1888, Page 1

Another murder has attracted much attention in London. A young

man of twenty-two, named Rumbold, a machine. minder, was walking on the night of Thursday week, with a young woman named Lizzie Lee, towards the Inner Circle of the Regent's Park. As they approached York Gate, they were accosted by eight young men, who asked Rumbold if his name was Macey. He denied it, but one of his assailants repeated the statement, and in the scuffle which ensued, Rumbold was stabbed. The assailants ran away, and though pursued by the young woman Lee until she was knocked down and kicked, they got away, and their victim died in a cab before he could mach the Middlesex Hospital. As the assailants were un- known to the only witness, it was at first feared that the murderer would escape ; but the police received information from within the gang itself, and on Sunday the whole of them were arrested, one, George Gellatly, a young man of eighteen, being accused as the actual perpetrator of the crime. There seems to be little doubt that the attack was premeditated, and the motive vengeance, a gang from Seven Dials having a feud with a gang from Lisson Grove, and killing Rumbold by mistake for one of the latter. The occupants of the houses round Regent's Park, who pay very high rents, complain bitterly of the imperfect watching of the district, which is frequented at night by numbers of bad characters who live by threatening or plundering passers-by, and when pursued escape into the trees. The " keepers " ought to be abolished, and the Park guarded like any other dangerous district of London.