2 JUNE 1894, Page 28

If the "Local Government Act," commonly called "the Parish Councils

Act," is not understood, it will not be for want of help. We have now before us two more manuals devoted to the explanation of its provisions. The more elaborate of the two, in- deed of all that we have seen up to this time, is The Law Relating to Parish Councils. By A. F. Jenkin. (Knight and Co.)—Mr. Jenkin illustrates his subject by comparing it with legislation on cognate subjects, and giving also "Circulars and Orders of the Local Government Board." One of the difficulties of the Act is the number and complexity of the statutes which it implies and refers to.—The "Parish Councils Act" Explained. By J. Theo- dore Dodd, M.A. (Horace Cox.)—" What it will do and what it will not do" is the special subject which Mr. Dodd sets himself to explain.—With these may be mentioned The Practical Statutes of the Session, 1893. Part II. Edited by James Suther- land Cotton. (Same publisher.)