2 JUNE 1917, Page 1

The Kaiser was in an intelligibly piano mood when he

addressed his troops on the Arras front recently. The words of the speech were reported in Thursday's papers. No longer did he speak of gigantic annexations and glorious indemnities. He told his suffering soldiers that the questioa how long the war would last was in God's hands.—We can understand that he is now glad to disclaim respon- sibility.—He explained that he could appreciate the zeal of the French in defending their country, but he could not appreciate the motive of the Englishman. " He is merely fighting, stubborn and tenacious as he is, to increase his might at German expense." After eloquently thanking the troops for their endurance, the Kaiser ended : " So I leave you once more at the front [where he always leaves them]. It is now a matter of holding out, however long it lasts. Meanwhile your comrades at sea are cutting the vital arteries of the enemy."