2 JUNE 1917, Page 2

The Daily Mail, following or' leading thel'imes (we cannot say

which), published a " leader " on Monday headed " Invasion by the Air," in which we are told, precisely as in the Times, that the aeroplane, and not the Zeppelin, is the really dangerous air invader. We are also informed that there were seventeen high-powered planes, divided into three squadrons, and again we are warned that "• there is no •reason why similar-raids- should. not be attempted by 160 or 170 machines, or by 1,600 or 1,700, or some day in the not very remote future by 16,000 or bY 17,000 of such engines of destruction." That is getting_ on at a fine rate indeed. Even in London it would almost be a case of one bomb.. one baby.