2 JUNE 1950, Page 16

Undergraduate Magazines

SIR,—Readers whose interest in undergraduate magazines may have been aroused by Colin Cross' article in the Spectator of May 26th might also be interested to learn th4t editors of many of these magazines come together annually to exchange experiences and ideas. The function is known as the " Student Editors' Conference," is organised under N.U.S. auspices, and has been held annually since 1947 at Sheffield, Hull and Nottingham Universities, respectively. This year.. it will be held at Durham, from July 10th to 13th. Experts are invited to give talks on such topics as " Journalism Today," "Layout Problems," " The Laws of Libel and Copyright," " How to Develop Circulation," and so on, and there is widespread discussion among the students themselves, combined with criticism of each other's publications. Last year's conference was attended by 50 students representing 35 publications.—Yours sincerely,


General Secretary, The National Union of Students.

3 Endsleigh Street, W.C.I.