2 MARCH 1833, Page 11

On dit. The Chancellor of the Exchyquer expects now to

have a

s-urplus on the financial year of about ,COOL, which he wishes to appropriate to a reduction of the Ex d Stamp-duties. He will

also propose a reduction beyond that stir s,'in anticipation of another favourable 'Jean He would be glad to reduce the Assessed Taxes atfleast one half; being unable, however, to do this without the im- position of some new tax, he has suggested a moderate Property- tax, but has met with a decided refusal from Earl GREY. This is given as the clue to the reported misunderstanding between his Lordship and some of:his official colleagues. On the subject of the Newspaper-duties, Lord ALTHORP refuses to state any thing decisive. Lord BROUGHAM, two months ago, seemed to think with Lord ALTHORP, that the reduc- tion of the Newspaper-duties was not called for by the Newspaper proprietors themselves; and when told that he took his opinion from what was stated by the proprietors of the Times, he replied, "Well, the Times has great power."