2 MARCH 1839, Page 7

tribe 1'-lrtropolis.

Mr Harvey was again elected for Southwark, on Wednesday last, without opposition. It had been rumoured and generally 'believed., that Mr. Richards, formerly Member for Knaresborongh. would have been put forward in opposition to him : and the High ::tier Mr. Harvey had been proposed and seconded. paused for a time, in evident expectation that another candidate would have appeared, before he de- clared Mr. Harvey duly elected. That goadetnite ndolreedel his con- stituents at great length ; dwelling on the persectitien to which he had been subjected for so many years, from the time of his appiieation to be admitted to the bar, to the re,olutioll of tile Rouse of I. Mineens Com- mittee which had declared his seat vacant. lie complained that Members who mat on that Comutittee, especially Mr. Goulhurn, were now in the receipt of large sums of the public money ; which surely ought to be quite as much a disqualification as the performance of the duties of a laborious office without payment. lie pledged himself to renew his independent course in Parliament : and cordially thanked the electors tbr restoring him to the Ilouse of ( 'onnnons.

In a letter to the Globe, Mr. Richards denies that his name was put forward as a candidate for Southwa rk with his own consent. The Globe had expressed a hope that Mr. Richards's runit;/ would be punished ; whereupon that angry gentleman writes as follows- " Whether you understand the proper use of the word relity, which means an overweening desire for the good opinion of others, 1 shalt not stop to in- quire. Bet, having declared. which I do, that I have not, either directly or indirectly, cites any one authority fl.r the a 1111011iRMIlent of my name as n can- didate for the representation of :::iittiinvark, 1 lid that if the el, dor, of that 1:a1- rough would return me as their 1\lemi they, free 01 expenio., l would tii el:fle the honour of represvnting, them ; 1 leave the piddle to determine whether panish. mem- ,lmuld be inflicted on me fur t.apps,..d presumption, or on you for Cals;e- hood and slander."

The final numbers on the election of Carumer, as oliiei.diy declared by the Sheriff of Middlesex, on Monday., were—for Walley, 2,015; Aden, 552.