2 MARCH 1850, Page 11

Vague rumours come from Paris, through the Turin papers Opinions

and Concordia, and through private correspondence from Milan, that an Austrian ship had exchanged shots with an English ship in chase of a Greek vessel ; that the English Consul at Milan had consequently struck his flag and retired to Turin ; and that ships had been detached from our fleet to blockade Trieste. The only portion of the statement probable is the retirement of our Consul from Milan, from some unexplained cause. [The Paris correspondent of the Horning Chroniek says that the Con- sul has only taken down his flag in consequence of an amiea.ble contro- versy as to the right of Consuls to exhibit flags in inland towns.] On the authority of its Athens correspondent, the Morning Herald re- asserts a report which had been oontradicted, that the islands of Cervi and Sapienza hare been seized by Admiral Parker and occupied by British troops. The Prussian Chambers were dismissed for the session, by Royal Com- mission, on the 26th of February; the King being too unwell to act in person. The Royal speech included a statement that the Prince of Prus- sia, absent on the public service, recognized the constitution to which the King has SW0111.