2 MARCH 1850, Page 13

Mr. Willy has enlarged the scale of the concerts he

has been giving for some time in St. Martin's Hall, by the introduction of great orchestral composition; which his well-chosen and well-trained band execute with precision and excellent effect. On Monday last, among other pieces of this description, Beethoven's Eighth Symphony, in F, was admirably performed, and the lovely scherzo was warmly encored. Blagrove played Spo.hr's Eighth Concerto in the composer's own smooth and finished style which he acquired from the instructions of that great master himself. Mr. Sims Reeves sang Weber's famous "0 'tis a glorious sight" better than it has been executed since Brahara first gave it forth a quarter of a century ago. Several other songs and duets were sung by 'NI- Dolby, Miss Lucombe, and Signor Marchesi,—the last a baritone or bass, new to England, of whose merits it would scarcely be fair to give an opinion on a single hearing.