2 MARCH 1907, Page 25

The Expositor. Seventh Series, Vol. II. (Hodder and Stoughton. 79.

6d. net.)—This volume fully maintains the high reputation of the periodical. The interest is as varied, and the tone of the contributors as commendable, as ever. Dr. Duckworth of Toronto suggests a tertium quid between the conservative and the destructive theories of the book of Daniel. The present text he allows to be late, not earlier than 400, but the substance of the book is of the date claimed, handed down by oral tradition. The essential difficulty of the predictive part is not removed. Nor is the argument conclusive that because a devotional book written in 180 was not included in the Canon, therefore Daniel, having been so included, must be earlier. We do not know enough about the formation of the Canc)n to draw such a conclusion. Professor W. M. Ramsay continues his studies in the history

of Tarsus, and Professor G. A.. Smith writes on certain post-exilio periods of Jewish history.