2 MARCH 1912, Page 2

In spite of the fact that the appeal we made

last week came at the worst conceivable moment for raising money—the week of the coal crisis—we are glad to record the receipt of over £140. One of the subscribers, from whom also we publish a letter of no small interest, is Lord Midleton, a former Secretary of State for War. The fact that a statesman who so thoroughly realizes the nature of our military needs as he does is a warm supporter of the National Reserve is a subject for special congratulation. But Lord Midleton's support is nothing new. Hie help and encouragement were given to the Surrey Veteran Reserve from the very beginning and at a time when the formation of that Reserve was regarded by most of those who heard of it as a toy, a folly, or worse. Once snore, then, we appeal to our readers to subscribe to the fund for the National Reserve Parade in Hyde Park. Cheques should be made payable to the Spectator, crossed Barclay and Co., Gosling's Branch, and the words "National Reserve" placed on the envelope.