2 MARCH 1929, Page 18


[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.]

Siu,—Can nothing be done to put the payment of golf caddies on a more satisfactory basis ? During long spells of bad weather such as we are experiencing, they suffer very genuine hardship. I know several golf clubs where the caddies' earnings since

Christmas have been negligible.. • .

Golf is played largely by well-to-do people. Is it right that these players should expect to find a plentiful supply of caddies, on whose services, much of the enjoyment of the game depends, when, through no fault of their own, they are frequently not paid a living wage ? .

Would it not be possible to devise some scheme whereby the authorized caddies at each club received a minimum wage

of, saY, 25s. a week. To offset this the recognized fee per round could be substantially. reduced. This might entail a slight increase in subscriptions, but surely most golfers would be

prepared to foot the bill.—I am, Sir, &c., GOLFER.