2 MARCH 1929, Page 2

When .we write Herr Stresemann is about to leave Berlin

for Geneva, and he has made desperate efforts to compose the long-standing political disputes within the German Government before he goes, for naturally it is desirable that Germany should be represented at Geneva without ambiguity. All we can say at the moment is that though he has failed there is a prospect of a settle- ment. When the present Government, known - as the " Ministry of Personalities," took office, it was expected that by the end of last year it would have developed from the chrysalis into the butterfly stage of a " Grand Coali- tion." This, however, did not happen, and as things are it is not even certain that the " Ministry of Personalities " will be able-to carry on The Centre has dissOciated itself entirely from the Government—a new event in the poll- _ . , tics of the Republic.