2 MARCH 1974, Page 8


In these, Days bdort, tlat 1.e.c,tion., &Maxi may read

all titeArstment t s of Va .

ansiii. tile 1W-51/avers, see tlie,m, enAlessly, upoil T.V. Scre,e41, or ex-eft mals-e his own Opiu.ons hlto-w-n to them, ad., all. of us, upon the RhAto . Yet, on tile Dar,itt v-ill 1t k00 Ige,tw-etn iw-o — maybe iltree —1Vren who rule their Parties and ctiffe,r more, in -what they say titan w-ltat we may ko.pe titey will clo.We rust beit.edve,titen,th.at Froe Speech is that Conctitio2t PeoTle say what titer wish, w-kile, their' Govf&ritOrS C10 TV-itat ikey win! J,.y.