2 MAY 1840, Page 17



Narrative ff a Wholiny I'iwereee. round the Glebe, from the year 1533 to 1836. Comprising Sketches of Polyneela, California, the Indian Archi- pelago, &e.; ii ith an Account of Southern V. hales, the Sperm Whale- fishery, and the Natural Iliatory of' the Cliteales visited. By FREDE- RICK DERELL BENNETT, Esq., F.H.G.S., Eellow of the Royal Cul- kge of Surgeons, London. In two vols.

Eq.e»Isible Gbreruntent fi>r Colonies.

it First:nal Nacr■qive of' a Visit to Ghnzi,i, Efe6u7, aid and qf U fiesta'. nee at ike Cont.! Dozt ; with 'Notices of Itunjit Sing, Elko, and the Itinaiati espedition. By G. T. VIONE, Esq., E.G.S. With Illustrations, from drawl egs made by the Author on the spat.

.Thethrood ; a Romance of History. In three vols. The Ilistery of British India. by .1.■1al:s Mita., Esq. Fourth edition, with Notes. and Continuation, Icy HORACE HAYMAN WILSON, M.A., FAS, &C. VOL III. it Treatise on ; or the Natural Classification or Shells and Shell-fish. By WILLIiM SWAINSON, KR. and F.L.S., &e. Peter Paul Halmos, his Liti: and Genius. Translated from the German of Dr. WAAGEN, Professor of tlte Fine Arts and Director of the Royal Gallery at Berlin, Author of " Art and Artists in England." By ltonma it. NuEra Esq. Edited by Mrs. JAMESON.


P0eMS. By T. WESTWOOD. CA volume of miscellaneous verse; whose writer has adopted Mrs. HcataNs for his model, both in his style of composit hot and choice of subjects. Ile has fluency of language, some choice of' imagery, and skill in versilication. Had he presented a reflex of his own mind, iostead of a reproduction from others, he would have been entitled to considerable attention. Even as it is, he would have received applause in an age less productive of books rind less skilled in the mechanical part of their manufacture. But then, probably, he would never have written.] 'The Rttbi ; a Tale of the Sea. By FREDERICK W. Mawr, late R.N. [This volume, like Mr. WEsTwoon's Poems, is distinguished by fluency and well-sounding verse, but is deficient in originality : and by originality we do not mean the creation of a new style, but such a compactness ot mind and mastery of a subject, derived from the observation of nature, as produces a complete and consistent whole. The Raii is a tale of West Indian piracy in an earlier day ; but, though the writer is most probably familiar with the natural objects and the nautical incidents he describes, the description is any thing hut effective. Instead of sending forth the impressions produced upon his own mind in a style suggested by the original images, he reechoes the tone of the Giuour and some other productions of BYRON,—forgetting that BYRON himself, when describing the sterner and severe matter-of-fact life of European seamen, adopted a much less inflated style than when writing about Oriental corsairs or Italian renegades.] Poems, Tales. and Essays. By SAMUEL CUTLER HOOLEY. [The writer's prefatory remark that his pages may perhaps contain little that is novel, but they are nevertheless " original," is the only " original" idea con- tained in them : this is a hopeless ease of caeoethes scribendi.] Ingliston. By GRACE WEBSTER. [WS tale narrates the temptations, sufferings, and privations which beset the natural daughter of a baronet who dies intestate. The scene is laid in Scotland. The writer &plays both humour and pathos, with a considerable knowledge of Scottish life; and her tale is told truthfUlly and without exaggeration. But the whole is somewhat hnprobable, and physical destitution made too much of. The writer is also deficient in art. Scenes and persons which contribute little to the regress of the tale, are put forward as conspicuously as the most im- portant : nor is there any. coherence in her story, or apparent purpose in writing it. /ily/iston is a weary picture of common life and uncommon desti tution.

The Interdict ; a Novel. In three vols.

The groundwork of this novel is the threadbare and never very pleasing sub- ject of the distress which ensues from love in a line where madness is hereditary. One marriage ends in misery and death ; another love-distress is cleared up by a discovery at the end of the third volume, which might as welt have been made at the aeginning, that the heroine is only the half-sister td* the mad blood. In the conduct or telliug of the tale there is nothing redeeming: in fact, The Interdict is badly planned, badly constructed, and full of faults in the execution.] Th, S'au,dess .S.Viislatry. To which is added, 7'he Maid of Corinth. In three vols.

[The time of this novel is the reign of Edward the Third. The author, in an introduction, intimates that Ile Las studied the original chroniclers and histo- rians: hut he wants the genius to vivify his knowledge; and though his formal • parts may be true, the spirit of' the manners of the age has escaped him.] The Orphan qt. 1V,paul ; a Tale of Hindustan. [st love story, differing only from the common run of florid fictions in the hlintlu ehtracteristics of its heroine, and of the locality : these, however, are merely intimated by terms that require the glossary to interpret them—not impressed upon the mind by images. The incident of a Nepaulian girl dying for love of the British officer who vainly tried to save her father's life, and sheltered her when an orphan, is a promising theme, had it been treated dif- ferently.] The New Robinson Crusoe. With thirty-two Wood-cuts. [A reprint of an old and not very happy attempt to make the adventures of Robinson Cruaoe subservient to the .purpose of instruction; by altering the original narrative, giving it in the third instead of' the first person, and inter- rupting its progress wit Ii the exclamations and queries of' children and the re- sponsive explanations of papa. The charm of DEFOE'S inimitable fiction is lost by this procese, and the value of the information given in exchange hardly compensates flir the less. The cuts are in the obsolete and uncouth style of

wood-engraving before tilt revived the art in this country.]

The Mau/twist. and Norelises Library : the Best Works of the Best Authors. Edited by WILLIAM BAZLITT. YOIUME 111. [The third volume of this pluenomeutm of cheap literature includes, among the forty fictions of' which it consists, tales of WASHINGTON LIVING, LEIGH BUNT, SHELLEY, MIT. IIALL, It. H. HORNE, and other contemporary writers; Mrs. RADCLIFFE'S " Italian," ana translations Of SCHILLER'S " Ghost-Seer," PACE, DE KOCK'S "Andrew the Savoyard," and Ynaron Deco's " Hans of' Iceland." The three volumes. sold for thirteen shillings, contain one hundred and twenty stories, that would occupy sixty-five half-guinea volumes of ordi- nary novel size! Arrangements are making to include some copyright work in the succeeding volume.] ././.6lli Shakspuce, designed for ,the use of Young Persons. By CtiAnta:s Lamm

[A cheap reprint from Mr. MoxoN.]

Colic's Theory of (Wours. Translated from the German, with Notes, by CHARLES LOCK EASTLAKE, RA. F.R.S. [This is rather a fragmentary series of experiments and observations tending to clueitiatc the pinenomena of colours, arranged under different heads, than a complete and digested treatise; but its value as a contribution to science, especially with reference to the art of painting, is not therefore diminished; for GOETHE'S aeutenees as a practical investigator is greater than his power of de- duction, so far as this subject is coneernja. The complete work of GOETHE consists of three parts---* didactic, controversial, and historical: " the first of these only is translated by Mr. EASTLAKE, alal a deference to the reputation of GommtIE alone diverted his purpose of making extracts from this. The truth seems to be, that the lively imagination of the poet led away the philo- sopher into vague and unsound generalization, upon imperfect data, and in- duced that opposition to the Newtonian theory, which drew upon him the severe criticism of scientific men, and ended in the demolition of his theory. The direction which Govrun's investigations took, however, is more service- able to the purposes of the arts ; and the translator has conferred additional value and importance on these researches by the learned notes he has appended to various passages, connecting them with the ascertained rules of pictorial colouring, as developed by the great masters of tainting: indeed the volume should he studied by every artist who desires to beeome acquainted with the principles of harmony in colour. We cannot help \visiting, however, that Mr. EASTLAKE had digested the crude speculations of is au Amr, and made them a text for a snore ample discourse on the application of his discoveries to the practice of painting.] The Rose Amateur's Guide. In two parts. Part I. The Summer Rose Garden. Part II. The Autumnal Rose Garden. The whole arranged so as to form a Companion to the Descriptive Catalogue of the Saw- bridgeworth Collection of Roses. Published annually. By T. RIVERS [Them junior. Second edition, greatly enlarged. ost important improvement in the new edition of this pleasant and pertinent little manual for the rosery, consists in the directions for raising roses from seed, which the author states to be original.] Letter from Abel Knochdunder, Lieutenant, H.P., to Mr. Luke Tinto, Haberdasher in Glasgow; containing Strictures on the Proceedings of the Association for Promotion of the Fine Arts in Scotland.

[Certain members of the Committee of the excellent and influential Associa- tion that has done so much for Scottish art, have it seems, infringed a specific rule, which requires that the picture-prizes in have, lottery of taste shall be se- lected exclusively from the principal exhibition in Edinburgh, that of the Scottish Academy ; this, Lieutenant Knockdunder stoutly contends, and with

good reason, is not only illegal, but moreover tends to divert the patronage of the Association from its express object—namely, the encouragement of high art, to bestow it upon tyros who have not shown themselves worthy of public support. The specious plea of " liberality " is indeed urged in defence of the innovation, and the amount of funds actually misappropriated is at present small; but an important princiPle is violated, and the Lieutenant knows well that a small breach trill admit a host of enemies. The doughty soldier proves himself a smart skirmisher, and threatens to keep up this paper fusillade lie has SO briskly opened, until he luta driven the recusants against whom he has taken the field from their false position.] The New nstament. Translated from the text of J. J. GrUnSBACII. By S. Stunts [This volume contains a new translation of the Testament from the elabo- rately corrected text of one of the most authoritative of modern critics. The object of the translator, according to his preface, has not been to alter the re- ceived version without necessity—"his ann being to give the meaning and idiom of the corrected Creek text as far as possible in the well-known words of the authorized version." So far as we have looked into it, it appears to furnish the mere critic with the means' ()Massing a truer literary judgment upon the volume and the charactse ot its authors, whilst it is deficient in the race and religious spirit which animate the authorized version.]

71/4c Tourises Ge:de, or Dialoyors on a JOurney from London to Paris; with the elision, and intonations marked as French is spokeu. By J.

Tor n u, rintlior of " The Model-book," &c.

Lein hip:idol,: bica tia familiarizing the English tourist with the ordinary phrases of rrelich parlance, by making the common information of a cicerone as to the sisl,ts of Paris the medico)) of instruction. The English is not good; and a ludierssei mistake is made in speaking of the cemetery of the Garden of the Tuilerks—szenes ten biting obviously meant.] The 1.7yhty Coos-vont; of the Fre.neh Language. Their radicals; their derivatiVes ; • thors, friiit to be natural defects; pronunciation ; acci- dence; mechanism of them ; and the principles of pronunciation. By- J. Tom ME 0, M.S.P. F., Aethor p f'''ihe 31odel-book," ece.

.lierly Days in the Soviet!, of Friends; exemplifying the Obedience of Faith in some of it, first members. By Mmtv ANNIE:at., Author of " Straightibrwardness,- &c.

[This volume contains a series of extracts front the history of the early Quakers, connicted by (I running commentary of narrative and remark. The narrative .p.A.ients a series of quaint pictures of the character of the founders of the Society or Fthiels, of the pers.eutions they endured, and the times in which they lived. The remark-, are less strikine.: they are also pervaded by too special a religious which will probably militate against their at with many readers, whilst it certainly mars their effect as a piece of composition. 1• The Rliral Lit; of Enoland. Bs, Wirtawst IIOWITT, Author of " Book of the t.:•easen.s." &c. it4econd edition, corrected and revised. With Illustratioos on Worn!, by Bitvice and S. WILLIAMS.

[A second edition of Al r. I low ITT'S elaborate volume on what is indigenous perhaps to Great Britain, rur tl life. We are glad to find that it IS not only at home that this volume has been welcomed, but that it has procured laurels for its author in Americo. This indeed is one of the things which we can conceive in educated American to regard the most in his ancestral home. Our litenittoe, our hist are, be can comprehend almost as fully as we in Eng- land; in material science he is running a race with us; but the rural life of England, from the cottage of the peasant to the park of the peer, could only have been produccd by a long series of ages under a feudal system modified like ours.) The Colonad Magazine find Comm, rrial-.1farilime Journal. Edited by II 0111MT M o o 1. I: i Ma...nrix, Eq., Author of " The History of the British Colonies," &c. Vol. 1.

[Four numbers of Mr. 3losTnC‘31ERV MARTIN'S monthly periodical, collected together into a volume, very handsomely got up.] The Anotileon; a Gallery of Sonnets on the Divine Attributes and the Thissimts, the Graces, and the Virtues. By the Reverend II. D. RYDER, M.A., late of Oriel College, Oxford, author of " The Temple in the Wilderaess," &c.

[Sonnets, or rather short posies in sonnet-stanzas, chiefly religious, and exhi- biting great facility in this Fettliar mode, aciptired apparently by study of the old models, whose: quaint turns of' thought and expression are unconsciously imitated.] A Eand.Book lb,. the Churches ; or an Argument in a nutshell about the things of' the Church ; addressed to the Children of the Kingdom. BY a Labourer for Peace.

Lecioms on the Eb ration of the Labouring portion of the Continunity. By WILLIAM E. CHANNING.


Gideon Giles, the Roper. By TnomAs Missed:, Author of " Royston Gower," " A. Day in the Woods," &e. No. I. [Gideon Giles is an industrious labourer, struggling with poverty, but bold and independent in spirit, of strong passions mat robust flame, and with a head to think as (II as a heart to feel: at the outset his daughter is sought to be seduced by a baronet. it 'lose park-wall adjoins the cottage of Giles ; and what- ever inav the future iii ml lents of the tale, the author vouches them to be true, and the cletracters drawn from the life. The descriptions of rural scenery and habits, and road-side oecurrenees, are vivid iii ti faithtn1 to minuteness; and occasional touches of generous and tender feeling, as well as of quiet humour, relieve the commonplace literalness of the dialogue. Ben Brest, a sort of vil- lage " Arndt)." but a seat/a/cod glutton, is an original in his way. The etchings, by Lasninar, are neat and pretty, but tame. j The Life (aid Tinos of ..11ortin Ludo r. By the Author of " Three Ex- periments of Livh ( Samara A inerienn Literature.) [A biographic:11 fiction, :tase.s,tbily aiming to familiarize the general reader with the career of the great Church lictis.mer, and the noble sitnnlicity and

energy of his character, as titan ii both in his Jaddie and private relations. The habits or the age, the state of public opinion in Germany, the influence of the dawning Pa.-formation on the condition of Europe, and the contrast pre- seined by the i wiund tali le nun rage of LI:Till:1i, to the melancholy timidity of NELANCTIION and the naive y lading Ett.tsmcs, are sketched with consider- able felicity. This is a good sample of popular American literature.] Brothr josuthon ; or " The Smartest Nation in all creation." Edited by PA r. P.saarmtsoN. Illustrated by RonEnT CRUIESHANK. No. I. [A literal pieture or .‘inerican habits, manners, morals, and society ; coarsely sketched, and by no main us flattered, but apparently true in the main. The first number describes lit'e in a New York boarding-house, a sanguinary duel, a privateer and a slave•clipper. and introduces the reader to the Yankee aris- tocracy. The coloured plates are vulgar caricatures.]

Goldsmith's Citizen of the World. Part I. (Knight's English Classics.) The English Causes Ce'lehms. Part I. (Knight's English Miscellanies.) [The cornmencement of two ci.eap, elegant, and portable serials, in which the reprints will have the advantage of notes, as well as careful editing, and illus- trative cuts: the English " Classics," indeed, are essentiolly pictorial. The size is square duodecimo ; the pages are printed in double columns, with a very readable type, yet so compressed that the whole of the Citizen of the World

will be included in two parts, forming one compact volume, that a wideposktt would conveniently contain. GOLDSMITH'S ever-charming satire on the morals and manners of his do is apropos to the present interest about China: the illustrative cuts consistini

of representations of the costumes, habits, and fii:ii.tei.t.uraes oeftid.eositidiaolnEam:.4 pire, explanatory of the allusions of the Chinese philosopher, who contrastl our customs with those of his own country ; as

the suburbs a century ago, and. of the fashions of the deesses of the period. These cuts are cleverly designed, and delicate and highly finished in exe, cution.

The first series of Miscellanies consists of a selection of remarkable trials, ef a kind likely to turn the taste for Newgate annals to account, by exhibiting crhninal characters in a true light, and illustrating the practise of our courts et justice in bygone times. The trials in the first part are those of Coma K. NIUSMARK tot' the into-tier of 3hr. Till'NN, and of Celonel Illsel.1:11. for felony; the scene at the execution of the latter being one of the most extraordinary that the scaffold has exhibited.

Curious publications ofbiograpby, letters, historical memoirs, old travels and voyages, antiquarian and topographical researches, literaey history and criti- cism, will each in turn be reprinted, and thus many valuable and scarce works he popularized.] Dirtionury tyr the Art of Printino. By WILLIAM SA vAnt, AlithOr Of " Practical Hints on Decorative Printing," &e. No. I.

[Am account of the history and process of printing; in which t customs of the trade, the technical terms, signs, charaetevs, and every thing relating to typogra- pity, are minutely explained. Thus, the first number, among otIWV information, gives the Arabic, Armenian, and Bengalese alphabets, with the power of each letter, and their combinations; and under the head of " [tilde Ortlio;:raphy," the variations of the London, Edinhorgh, and University editions, are set forih in a tabular tidal. It is a curious work, showing learning and l'eScarelt, as well as a thorough knowledge of the arcana or the print ing-olliee. ]

Asmodeus, the Devil on 7'11.0 Sticks. By the Ant h:w ef " Dias." Instrated by To:iv Jonas:No.1s Part I. Iheny Sea. Asnindens, or the Devil on 'Two SC, his, Newly ianslated from the French of Le Sage, by Joseen TII0MAS. illustrated liv TONV doilAXXOT. Part I. Royal Sets

[The distinction hetween these two editions consists in thia—that the smaller ttha cheaper one is a reprint of the old translation, with ti aori hi tb or the designs, ref.:tier:wed by infreior artists; while the lavee ati I more r.t:h.osive is a new translation, very handsomely printed, hi a bola, cl:ar type, and illus. trated by the whole of the original cuts. Mr. Toon ms's I:,tn Hoti aims at being user which affords less excuse for certain lints an sesti.es, and addi• firms of the translator, that are certainly not improvement..., and ls Ito apology for an imperfect acquaintance with the Preneh language, amt a ,omewhat std. literalness in tenderize* the itliomatie phrases into English. ToNv

designs are full of Inimour, spieit, and. character ; and Pat orleintd wood. engravings are distinguished by freedom, force, and delicacy.] La Bella del Dominiehino. Engraved front the Origbed Picture in tlIO Collection of SAmutth Junta Lola:, Esq., by E. R. NV iterrisso. [A very elaborate line engeaving of one of Domixtenino's ft:111mill and inges nuous Italian ladies, with her hair parted oil her forehead aud Whine over her shoulders in studied disarray : she is a,tired in the plenitude of drapery that gives such amplitude of' grace to the wearer, and sits 1' site con, scions of the power of her charms and prcpared to rereiv,_. iii se doe tO them. What a contrast to the impertinent assii nipt i in and null- beetation of the modern style, does the noble simplicity and iligtilty or his partritit pre-

DO 111Call 1114 having

sent I Of the fidelity of the copy we have Seen the original picture. The execution of' the plate is ren-,a rkal .1- for laddness

and farce, rather than clearness ; it is deficient in delitate of tone, nod entirely wanting in effect of colour: indeed it has the appearance of a highly-wrought pen-and-ink drinvin,s. Nevertheless the eillritving is worth a score of the trashy fashionable prints, for the sake of its sill ti...et.-j

Portrait of .illahommed Shah of Persia. Painted liv 1, ii. TivIGO, Ho- funny Painter to his Majesty. Engraved fly Coomns. [A forcible and effective mezzotint of the Shah : and so strongiy marked are the features and expression of the face, that it may he reasonably inierred to be a faithful resemblance. The sensual charactee of the Orisntai despot is not refined by dignity: on the contrary, there is a coarse and vu ti' loek, almost approaching to bestial ferocity, in ihe point-id:ink stare of tie- ey, and the

curl-of' the projecting under-lip this is heightened hy the keea coil of the jewelled mitre, and not diminishea by the " Istrisnle issal atsl gold" of lds attire—a velvet vest, the collar and cuffs formed or liege p,arhi, with a necklace and tassel of the same, and giedle and armlets of gold blazing with coloured gems.]


st Refutation of the First Rein».1 of the Constabulary Ibree Commissioners. Concluding 'Part. By the Bev. C. D. BRERETON, A.M., Rector of Little Massingham, Nonia. A Lette.r to the .11ishop of Peterborough and the Ch.rgy of England. By Earl FITztMLLIAM.

Answers to the Qurstioas— What constitntes Carrene.,„ ere the

Causes of Unsfruilin,:s of Mt! Currency:" ■vol Whot By H. C. CAREY, Author o'f " Principles of PoLtical Eemoess.- The A Pip! cnIfile EpiSO:Id! t7/ Consalered; a Sermon p-,•:obed. in White- hall Onipel, on &tinkly IA March IMO, at the Coo, eceoion Or the Right Reverend Henry Pepys, 1). Li., Lord Bishop or Soaor and Man. By SAMUEL HINDS, D.D., Vicar of Yardley, Herts. Published at his Lordship's request. Parliamentary Speeelo.N. Part I. Session 1840. No-Conlidenee iii Ministers—Speeehes of bir ;fames Graham, Lord Stauleyi awl Sir Robert Peel. With an Introduction.