2 MAY 1840, Page 3

Zbe jactropotis. The Court of Common Council, on Monday, agreed,

by a vote of 56 to 30, to present a piece of plane of the value of 1501. to each of the Sheriffs, in testimony of the Court's approbation of their patriotic and magnanimous conduct in refusing to submit to the decrees of the House of Commons instead of the commands of the Court whose officers they are.

At the annual meeting of the month erS <1 tilt! rr,:: of London Con- servative Association. held on Thtu-sd.o.• .:t tIn 1,•••.:Ion Tavern, Alder- man Thomrson, M. P., was imaninionly it:airman of the Asso- ciation, in the room of Mr. George Pal:1:.-r. M P.. resigned. The As- sociation will dine tnotother at one of the Theatres about the latter end of May ; the dirtier will be on th s one plan as the great dinner at Covent ;rdeti 'l'lwmttr it 1 s.::•, v I.I.:11 gave such general satisfaction, and the first rho,: ;2reat Conserva- tive demonstrations v. hich have sine,: 1:,..ome so general throughout the e'mllory.—Tinies.

A deputation of of the Jewish p:rr000loa waited upon Lord Palmerston ed: Thursday . to soli:•it the pr:eo ohm of the British

Government for their brethren it: Doim:ae::- 10.1 ,h,s, against the persecution of the Male nothel hoe Lord Palmerston said— Nothing woald give l.Ito erester p;e.e.m• 11.1:1 t. Live t1:'prier of ahling the gentlemeh t tie; 11, o: it tk. s_il it,as !,, hint a thing scareei■ ere I.t ,.7 / ■Uell cr..,Hbt.t, am! I-7,1 -.11.,•. '711,14.4. 7 e On- inediately Mot:am:a I'. • - :," .,r at C1,:'etan- th101110,2,4 ;0•-r. _ (;.,vermneut at Alexandrir.. 11,,n1 t,. in their power to The deptl-.-,t1 mmt?Nio., cc •.I The second ...tr..: ve-sars ni

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The Bishop of P. .,1' tl].•

support. Ilt.• soh I thlt the rut h:".".,1 was much groitter than Letierally : class who vi ti It I ch • ledge of whiles: iotIrmities o.as ri.O.:.•io own actomintitnee. ...klany• charities it jut some the evil might outweigh the L. I t fear or misgiviegs as to the rL•stilts. The Secretr.ry read a r2:corT tem in use at tht.dr school in Glom:— by raised elertat:::::r, : -ix

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a. 1'e...tailing. the Situare 'Rooms. s in the elmir ; and ,•11..rity te public 1.; In this country r I 1..eloneed to a the know- tlreie of their .:• ir t-t!"..-et. and mmmlhere he no ;i ..-..11;;;ii :17, were

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• ::se children . ‘• :he Bishop ,-:erzytnen • of the day

T':•• sixty and these oIdained 3 the lot of lJr. R. that of 1001. ; :it. iia ti....el'ared ,.11.1t the fan.i.i of tbe • •: The sys- o•a- TO- 2eD1,;- prevent tit,.
