2 MAY 1840, Page 4

A . ;it .. Ma;j:d.ratci,' thi.l.iiii. , 2, licid Iti..t. Smilrdav irli.

Lancaster, Captain


, (*Town pri-oners. It Mel been ineerreetly silted that Mr. 1'ra:wt. had , lse e else.. d to Lev(' fisspient ill; -lee-v.); i11:111 his brother ollicors; but ithccir africal, and hy the regulations of the Ebiol could not have :mother

ici!erview ror III!".'", 111141:11ti. TIN: I W11 pli:4011('M hild 111:111e 110 1

selittmei'l to bard lithLur, were allowed by net of Parliament to provide thee: Hee., \sit!, fetid, insteml 01' receiving the county allowance, subject leei teseettsel 1 ) the mteion of elr. \Varburton, inade in the House of to the ii ;•itititi,,n or Ito. Visiting .1 tisticos, mid ale° with heeding. They the p) iem eltlee They hail been allowed a pint oh' ale each per day, fits ocsr. lic oil 0; In r rco...p«cts their trc.atment. WnS the same as the other I i,,,I,:..}ao ,.. 1,,,,,,..,),,, 1,!, 11,, ,,,,,,i •,, of the Beni"li the return which he ceemee. i. 'sir- rct can ,t,iiccl that the two prisoners now in the ideler tile order of it Visiii;:g slit:dice. All this %vas in conformity with

die prismerepuletiens, and no special exception had been made in their

the lac' v.::!-:, Ii.' !mil heen admitted to : cce them onee, innuccliulel)' On v, ere tee, li 10,1 in a ward by tlictueelves, and were not compelled to wear cation forame esttion l any Of OW 1MIL'S in their litvour. A Aag.strate' inquired adiat s. r; of dinner:, they wi•re provided with--whether there was any limitation in that resimet, I 'amain Ilausbrow said they


o.ie for misdemeanour (...ir. Plunkett and MI'. ( 'ash) not hong

Were god but plain dinners, provided from the mess-table of the debtors' • The Chairman thought that, as the construction had been put Opel' the act of Parliament that prisoners for misdemeanour must be allowed to provide their own meals, it was doubtful whether the Bench could interfere if they ordered in turtle-soup mid turbot. The Bench seemed to think there could be no objection to the pint of ale r diem; and it was stated that the officers would soon have some compseions in the Chartists who were sentenced at the Liverpool Assizes.—Licopool