2 MAY 1840, Page 5


" The aggregate meethr, for the Province of Leinster-, to in-rt.itioa Parliament ttinst Lord Stanley's lia.rIstration Gill. was 115,1 day, in Batty's Circus, Lower Abbey Stree:, Dat,lin. Ain Ponsonby was Chairman : supporta" 11\- Lord l'I'meto•t•y. Mr. t

several other Irish :Members of Pat:limn:nit, 10.1 ot' the neighbourhood. The platform aral the arena or tho '7'.

crowded. Speeches against tlie WIII.11 Iii c\ indignatioa among the Irish Li:vends wore deli . indignatioa among the Irish Li:vends wore deli . Lord. Cloneurry, Henry Gral-..m. it :\Iielia.•1 Thand, r. :,•id Mr.

O'Connell ; and a letter was rah; from Mr. tloorte tor Dublin County, declaring that it' Lord Sittuloy's " Iri-:Imen.

One and shh, MUSt bCeOnte hope:tiers."

Oim Aloaday, a meeting of the National As.sociation rot-

Repeal was held ; ;it which Afr. O'Connell produced a ,I .11d11!, 010 accounts of the Precursor Society. It appeared that I.!. IL. I been expended, leaving. It ;.s. due to the Tre.,,,ure.% Mr. O'Connell. who " math.‘ the Society it pre;sent of tits' sum.- What was dono Will the 2,279/. I2s. did not appear ; but live goot;e:ne'l. audit"?' °I'll"' aceounts, certified to their eorreettiess, atler examininit lilt' von; hers.

[xo wonder the Precursor Soviet y canto to au untimely t11,1: the money . • .

was all gone, and a new device to raise the wind was necessary. It is

really very ungrateful itt the Irish Liberals to abuse Lord Ssniloy is one of' their best friends."

Mr. O'Connell, in one of his latest speeches in Dublin. ile,..:•ibed the F.mperor Nicholas as the " atrocious, hell-fiend men,ter, If hr.;Int beast of Russia." Mr. Claudius West, trother of tha 1„te Conservative Member for Dublin, was attacked by two ruffians on Friday night, on his return to his residence at Streamstown front his form :It Cattan, Iii the county of Leitrim. Mr. West was in his ear, accompanied by two of his tenants, when he was struck by a ball which latltved in his side. He fell off the car into the road, and the two tennnts.. drove off leaving him to the mercy of his assassins ; one of whosi r:ssin lived at him as he in on

the road, and the slugs passed thr atgit eollt,r of 11,. coat and grazed

his head. Supposing that they La.". it :1' t!,, men wen:

away ; and Mr. West, cold and toanag...." to imo a ditch,

where he was discovered next Ill. 1..4.. The .eutleman lingered, in extreme pain, till 31,c ..1.m.,- mornimr, when he died. He is described as an excellent un,1 Is.h1.1-II 1.,n "lord. The Lord- Lieutenant has offered a ..reward •.f* fir the di,covery of the murderers.

An assault on anather gentleman of* is :•1,Int ,d la the Irish Tory papers to show the disorganized .:me of the coutrry and the bad feeling of the peasantry-

" James Moreton, F-1., Coroner for tit- emnty of Leitrim, r.•thrning from

holding an inquest ;It itehov:d, \'•-eins....,,lav last. to.),.. 2.-•th April.) was met;

on the public road, at two eliselt mm he a maa 1. O i.......Katately stopped hint, and, with a stone it WI he it :a Lis -.truck him a most violent blow on the lie.:-I. Mr. it h is s,at on horse-

back, and rode to tt ho•te tit a s.ort r. : pointed

out to the owner of the lo,rise tieid. and ?ommanded his apprein.::::'m as mar 0: lion, dr.:diner:. niter!ering; ss wheryaine Mr. o:: •ther Iroise, and po, out t o

t o 7 - I . :" " i Mr More- .'

ton's story; recoznizeil Lint : ' -.• -

the v'!mile rptietly s Mr. Moreton was accf0...:pani,•J ivlmiti the ratlian tri.proaalled Ma.

Litt happily withottt ef.',..ct, A Nhirerou and recognized hini, cer i -Itort distance; 0.1,1111.c.11,!..: 1..eatta. Mr. 7tforetoa lvii ditti

a-or: rvho all

loins", • ..t Lite,

ii, it I. met Mr.

• :. %rift' bin)
