2 MAY 1840, Page 7

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NVelOslor had 1 of the United States. alto the Senate The Legislature of Ohio had passed resolutions calling upon the General Government to protect American citizens front the encroach- ments of Great Britain in the territory of the Republic beyond the Rocky Mountains; whereupon the eurionerend Advertiser says—" Per- haps we may as well attend to one thing at a time."

Captain Roberts, of the British Queen, saved the lives of four Ame- ricans. upset in a small boat near New York. There were six persons in the boat when it was capsized ; and Captain Roberts, seeing the ac- cident, sent a boat with an sllicer and eight men to their rescue, and four were recovered—two drowned. The survivors published their thanks to Captain Roberts, not only for their preservation, but tOr the "prompt and liberal supply of clothing, and other necessary comforts," with which he furnished them.

The applications for passages for the June trip of the British Queen were very numerous.

The Captain of a steam-boat p!ving on Long Island Sound gave great offence to a party of Anolitionists then on their way to attend a meeting of an Abolition Convention in Albany, by refuaing to permit a Coloured man to sit at the same table with the other passengers. There was a retdar tliscusion of the subject, on the deck of the boat ; and, after three hours' tall,ing, a resolution was passed, by 44 to lf, approving of the Captain's eouduct- " That a., t'a:,t,!inf :I:e st.‘.;m-l!oat Norwich, ita excluding front the public table a peleen et Celonis. ;mod in necordanee n ith the custom of the boats in the Sound ; at d in 011,1:.,g to prov:de a separate table for him and his friends, he did all that ary r..asona: le man could ask."

The Covert:or of Co.‘r;lia 1;,1.1 appointed no fewer than thirty-two

persons his Aides-de Coolip, all et w lie ti. are isr Cinonels.

A good deal of interest had been excited in N w York by the suicide of a young lady, Miss Roth Crogen. ono drowned herself with her infant in a cistern. She was a very beautiful girl, and laid been :educed and deserted.

A fire at Louisvihe. Keetachey, had destroyed houses and property worth half a million et' dollars.

A fresh importation I:hied-hounds had been made to hunt down the Florida Indians.