2 MAY 1840, Page 7

The Dike de Nei:mars was married to the l'oincesa Vietoria

of Saxe t'obara :\landay evening, at the Palace of St. Cloud. The eel:enmity was :. and attetaltal only by tho

Siate, and Marslails• of l'ranee. ;nal a lVO dis:Inaelishea

incad, Is :::e Chat:alter of l'eera and the Chamber of Deputies. 'I he

inaiabd was pronaaneed by tlid Ilosh.ip of Versaitles. bat

mass vas ete perfamed on tins oceasion.

The a:data:I l'ranlat'ort. ;nal Wistaaaa..,:. mist in .1. Prassian Government ha:, ealeetal tho cwentr■- betvaael ("ea:. N1',.:er. :mil Rhine to be aurveyetl. prop:irate:a- to the taithae.".:(ea of a (;i:eat reilroad whieli is to eyea.,:e; 11,:rlia anti Colague

as the Si and to tinite them let and 1."•itiaie.

As te;,1a.t.-he will sean he connected 1,y rail:eta.: v Brussels and Ostend. Mit, imporfilice of these projects a ill I e •

Some rural landowners in the neighletia . 11.. tried 1.0 ; :Ind the ly see- ceede 1. "i quintak of that SO 1.:7; 011i2 Of gr y who:, i:: very fdatiarable to the eutitiN :al. 11 So ::11.0a. a size that some are to I f , Ittei• dred ponitds.—Geealan

'clic ri.n,L. Poinn:1 hotsintimnica fo: the navieation ot' etch of the rivers ,

their la ina; eatployed. .1. third steamer It :s Coveritor-t I, oral of l'alentl. The three la twerp 'I and des; ateited to .1)antzie. whetwe t ma; to 1

\Varsea- the Vistala.—_1/".teniaa Rath