2 MAY 1840, Page 8



Lenr1 .T.'. 1,.r ; ,.:.-.;.■. I in t;.:. 'lions: c,:.1.,-rds 1...st night, for the first tin., -• . : el.d wes lovi.hae. toierably well, He pre-

sented .. ; : .: S.iee. I ray is; diet I: the Irish Corporation 13111 passed. s.-:' sem, x e.1 :rout schedule A to schedule 13, by whiel, :- at system of Local g.evernment under the Act :: .. i .

Lie I hr xi Ler I Me:1;.; 1; lather he would prods visioes • when he broeaLt I. N:1. ..'s:eceemgor, the rro-

'ninon and, Ile e:ss ; peso:en::: -zatii.g, that thou:1h,

ale:, z.,e 3Puce some wesks ri:.. :es ennaesrd hi the Nett-

ago, he had s..: • saar ;eat : eta' sent our. the atfair would

have been sin- . ae never inreasled to sanction such proceed- a way adopted.

Lord -.1 t ; he all the pepers connected with lin Sllbject r Ear: r.I IN *1 r a return of the " liar prices of wheat in the !-• . ; : ,• : • ehel 1 ilurieg; the years 1 sae and lean," Ile alt:'. •-• I uh..• 'rice of wheat to badness of i.utility, not to e - Th: price :1'1 out of all proportion to the :it Penies.:esiall the price of the lien- pound Ina: ... F,..e.-law Unions were paying front 70 to 80

I now than when the Poor-law was first intro-

per cent. a. duced.

The S.\ 1.i,c,1-itV 1, OW farmers careled their wheat wet to meal.. se !..sel Fi.seidiein awl other; like him kept up an Anti(' e. A ay :rue:or would furnish bread made of " th: ; e.:ir-pound loaf. That was better than the ooze:. land 11einor wished the poor to feed.

Lord II s ..7 I ad. ;my thing about oaten bread : he had sale, i r, kid ; • ::: Mr the poar to fall back upon roast-beef

and •: an,1 Lread—he laid the stress upon roast - beef.

The ,• ma Ore.] far hr Lord Fi iZWIJ,ttAt4 were ordered ; and then his Lon. presente 1 pstitioes, against the Corn-laws, front Liverpool, Hull, In r. Wigan, and other places. He had eighty-one other peti- tions, with 30.,000 signatures to present.

In the Nouse of Commons, Mr. Yr:mums postponed his motion on the Corn-laws from the 12th to the 14th instant, as he saw that AL.. George Palmer had fixed the 12th for his motion on China.

Mr. SMITH O'BRIEN said he should bring forward his Emigration resolutions on the 12th.

In reply to questions front Mr. FREsitrIELD, the Chancellor of the Et. chequersaid, it was intended to appoint three Commissioners who would be directed to report upon the most eligible place as a port front which the West India mail-packets would take their departure. Sir James Gordon would be one Commissioner, the Assistant-Secretary of the Post- office another, and the thirst a gentleman connected with the mercantile maritte. The Commissioners would examine the respective claims of Falmouth, Devonport, Plymouth, Southampton, and Portsmouth; and the instructions, when framed, should be laid on the table.

In reply to Lord Mantra, Lord PALMERSTON stated, that he had re. ceived a despatch front Naples, dated the 17th of April, informing hen that reprisals had commenced, and that the Hydra was in the Bay os Naples.

Mr. ilium: asked Lord John Russell how the negotiations respecting the Maine Boundary stood?

Lord Jolts Itt-sstam's reply would, for the most part, be unintrl, little without (and not very clear with) a special map. Ile mentioned several particulars respecting the progress of the dispute, with which the public are already familiar. The more novel amid important pan of his communication to the House was in Still:it:MCC as Wm. Governor Thomson bad sent a proposition to the Government of the United States for the appointment of it joint commission to fix ihi limits of the disputed territory, and the portions of it to be occupied respectively bv Maine and New Brunswick. The report of Colonel Mudge and Mr. Featherstonhaugh, who had surveyed the territory through which the boundary would run, had only been received a few days ago ; it was under consideration ; and very; soon an answer would be returned to the last proposition of the United States tor arranging the boundarv. Difficulties of an 11111de:is:tut nature had certainly oe, cured, but he trusted and believed that an amicable settlement would be made.

Lord Joan then gave notice, that on Monday week he should move the House to go into Committee on such parts of the Canada Reunion Bill as relate to the Civil List.

Mr. BLAKE inquired whether Mr. Robert Campbell Searlett, whom Lord Abiuger laid appointed an Equity Master in the Court of Exche- quer, would bo entitled to compensation on the contemplated abolition of the Equity jurisdiction of the Court of Exchequer ?

Lord Jona rit'sstn.r. replied, that when the measure alluded to by .M.r. Blake caine before the House. the question cif Mr. Scarletes corn- pensation would be determined.

Mr. RooraT Gounos wished the Ilottae to go into •a Committee of Supply, that he might bring forward the Miscellaneous Estinnues—a dropped order of the day on Wedneaday. But Mr. Gon1.1WaN ob-

jected, that no notiee of "Supply" appeared on "the paper." The gallery was cleared for a division and, according to the Times, a lone

eltereation occurred with closed doors. Mr. Gol:I•131' N and Lojd STANLEY opposed the motion for the Committee ; which Lord Jona R cast:Am svarmly supp('rted. Mr. Homo was at first inclined to vote with Mieisters, but changed his mind, and said there should be no Supply that night. Lord stems then gave way ; and the Miscellaneous Estimates were fixed for 31ondey, and the Budget for Monday week.

The other business was not important, and the House rose at a quarter past six.