2 MAY 1846, Page 11

Mr. Gurnomen read some letters which had passed between Mr.

Hildyard, the Member for South Nottinghamshire, and Mr. Thomas Herbert, the Chairman of the Nottingham Free-trade Committee, relative to a charge made by Mr. Hildyard on the hustings against that Committee, of having cfferecl 231. to each of two voters to poll for Lord Lincoln. In reply to a demand to retract or substantiate the charge, Mr. Indyard had satisfied himself with merely stating that what he had said he adhered to. Mr. Gisborne proceeded to ask some questions of Mr. Hildyard. But the forms of the House were interposed by Mr. STAFFORD O'BRIEN; and the matter terminated by Mr. GISBORNE stating that had Mr. Hildyard affirmed the charge, he was willing to move for a Committee of inquiry.