2 MAY 1846, Page 19


The Seringapatam, Funaell, for Madras and Calcutta, has put back to Gravesend, with loss of bowsprit, &c.

Alunives)- At Gravesend, 27th April, Currency, Wainwright, from Calcutta ; 28th, Malabar, Pare, from Bombay ; 29th, Harry, Dare, front Algoa Bay ; 30th, Hoogly, Williams, from Sidney ; and Thomas Metcalf, Gortson, from Ceylon. In the Downs, 29th, Lascar, Green, from Bombay. Off Plymouth, 30th, Duke of Bronte, Bradley, from China; Euphrates, Munro, from Madras ; and Jane, Beech, from Mauritius. Off Peuzance, 25th, Taglioni, Black, from South Australia. At Liverpool, 27th, Viscount Sandon, Lancaster, from Calcutta. In the Clyde, 22d, Isabella Cooper, Guthrie, from ditto. At Shanghae, 12th Feb. Gardner, -, TIOIR Liverpool. At Sydney, 30th Dec. Garland Grove, Robson, from Liverpool. At Hobart Town, previous to 10th Jan. Stratheden, Briton. from London; Pestonjee Bomanjee, Austin ; and North Briton, Head, from Plymouth. At Launceston, 29th Dec. Mary Hay, Volum, from London. At Pori Philip, 3d, Vixen, -; from ditto. At Adelaide, 28th Nov. Gunga, Greaves, /TOM Liverpool ; and 8th Dec. Joseph Albino, Finn's, from London.

SAILED-From Gravesend, 234 April, Edmundsbury, Stuart, for Calcutta ; and Hin- doatan, Lamb ; and Duke of Portland, Cubitt, for Bombay ; 24th, Poicties, Denny, for Calcutta ; and Morning Star, Heywood, for Ceylon ; 25th, Coromandel, Forster ; and Livingstone, 11PDougall, for Calcutta ; 26th, British Sovereign, Cow, for ditto ; and Lady Bute, Milinlay, for Bombay ; 27th, Dutchess of Northumberland, Withers, for Calcutta ; and 30th, Branmin, Taylor, tbr ditto. From Liverpool, 228, Alpha, Ames, for China ; 26th, Lahore, Burt, for Calcutta ; and Bangalore, Parsons, for Bombay ; 27th, John Horton, Cunningham, for China ; and Wild Irish Girl, Graham, for Bombay ; 28th, Panama, M'Leod, for Chins; and Gemini, Bann, for Calcutta ; 29th, Elizabeth JAM, Bray, for Bombay ; and 30th, Bland, Hoeken, for Calcutta ; and Bella Marina, Wood, for Bombay. From the Clyde, 27th, Sovereign, Stuart, for Ceylon ; and Ann Martin, Martin, for Bombay ; and 28th, Loehlomond, Ranken, for Calcutta.