2 MAY 1874, Page 14


[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR:] Sin,—The successful issue of my metrical investigations of the' Plays of Shakspere and Fletcher has encouraged me to examine the works of the Greek tragedians. You will greatly oblige me if you can find room in your next issue for the following statement of the results as yet obtained, in order that such of your classical, readers as take an interest in the question may favour me, either" publicly or privately, with criticism on the subject.

The chronological order of the dramas of the two greatest Greek tragic authors, as determined by metrical percentage, is as- follows :—

2EserrrLus. SOPHOCLBS.

1. Supplices. 1. Antigone. 2. Porsa). 2. Ajax.

3. Septem contra Thehas. 3. Trachinia).

4. {Agamemnon. 4. Electra.

Choephori. 5. CEdipus Coloneus.

Eumenidos. 6. Philoctetes.

5. Prometheus. 7. CEdipus Rex.

The ratios in the Sophocles plays, Noe. 2, 3, 4, are very close- together ; a further examination may separate them more dill- tinctly. I am going on with the investigation, and shall be thankful for any information as to previous researches into choral metres that may be as yet unknown to me.—I am, Sir, &c., Slcipton Grammar School, April 24. F. G. FLEAS. [Mr. Fleay should explain the principle of his metrical test.— ED. Spectator.]