2 MAY 1914, Page 3

Professor Bergeon's third Gifford Lecture continued his exposition of the

system of Plotinus. The centre of all the metaphysic of Plotinus was the concept of the lors—an untranslatable word which meant both speech and reasoning and also denoted the rare of an actor. "Speech was the multiple and inadequate equivalent of a single --- thought, reasoning the multiple _equivalent of intuition . Thei unrolled. as an :acier,unrc'ollesPliis_ ilomething whiciewasras-it. were, rolled up." This 'doctrine, be went en, implied a "push" which propelled unity forth from itself, and continued further and ever further in the direction of multiplicity. The result of this "procession" would be Body, but as Mind formed Body it was wrong to say that the mind was in the body ; the body was in the mind. In conclusion, M. Bergson maintained that in psychological aspects Plotinue's doctrine contained much that was of value, and he went on to show in his fourth lecture that, with the moderns, metaphysic had done little more than repeat Plotinus often in a weaker form.