2 MAY 1925, Page 16

[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIR,—In their letters upon

this subject, your correspondents have ignored the fact that The Prophet in the Koran repeatedly and in the most scathing terms cursed the Jews, and condemned them to everlasting perdition and torments, and warned his followers against them. The Koran is the guide to a Moslem's daily life, and while he may tolerate the existence of a Jew, his religion obliges him for all time to look upon members of this faith with distrust and abhorrence. A brief reference to the Koran will show this. So long as the Moslem and Jewish religions endure they can never fraternize. Incidentally, it may be noted that The Prophet makes several favourable remarks about Christians.

—I am, Sir, &c., KYNMON.

Mr. Sol Goldberg writes : Knowing the responsibly position Dr. Israel Cohen holds in the World Zionist Organization, I have no fault to find with the tone of his letter in answer to mine. I am obliged to him for bringing some support to my statement from the history of the Peace Conference at Paris, but his statement that the leaders of the Zionist movement were then in London is, I think, not quite correct. It is perfectly true that the Zionist leaders from the Allied countries met in London and elected Dr. Weizmanu as the leader, but if my memory is correct, at the Zionist Congress before the War broke out Prof. Warburg was elected President of the Inner Actions Committee and Dr. Hantke was a member of the Greater Actions Committee, besides a good many more who were

members of the Greater Actions Committee who could not have been in London.

I take this opportunity of thanking the Spectator for the fair way it has treated the Zionist question.