2 MAY 1925, Page 3

The Court of Inquiry, presided over by Lord Bradbury, 'Which

was appointed to investigate the dispute in con- nexion with steel houses has issued its Report. It will be remembered that the Committee appointed by Mr. Wheatley in September, 1924, approved of the erection of demonstration Weir houses by local authorities and others. In consequence of the proposed erection of steel houses at Leeds, Sheffield and Glasgow, a stoppage of work is threatened. The Building Trade Unions have insisted that the rates and conditions of their trade should apply to the construction of steel houses. Till the dispute is settled the policy of demonstration will necessarily be at a standstill for the towns concerned will not • take the risk of resisting the Building Trades Unions. If they do so housing work all over the country May stop, though, paradoxically enough, the demonstration steel houses would still be constructed—by engineers. *