2 MAY 1931, Page 15


[To the Editor of the SeEcr-vroa.] Sta,—You have, and I would like to take the opportunity of publicly acknowledging this, taken a practical interest in the housing question, and particularly as it affects Fulham and the society of which I have the privilege of being hon. treasurer.; and I would, therefore, ask you to he good enough to allow me space to give a short account of the progress of that society.

The Fu/ham Housing Improvement Society, Ltd., has already been able, in a congested area and in the short time of its existence, to provide decent, housing for 297 people, It is not the intention of the society to pauperize its tenants, but rather to give them, for an adequate rent, not only proper accommodation but also sanitary, and other advantages which are so necessary to decent housing. The society has just issued its third annual report,. and the committee has again been able to declare a dividend' of 4 per cent. (less tax) on the 'shares. This shows, I venture to think, that :the aims of the society to be moral and model landlords can be fulfilled as a business proposition. There must be many people who, naturally expecting some return for their money As income, can invest a portion of their capital with a view to being charitable, without giving away large sums, and I would appeal to them to help the F.H.I.S., Ltd.

It is amazing how quickly the tenants appreciate the advantages of privacy, proper sanitation, and the necessary aids to cleanliness which, through no fault of their own, they have not hitherto been able to enjoy. I would like to pay a well-deserved tribute to these tenants. On the year's working, with a net rental of over 11,100, we end the year with only SAS for rents in arrears; which shows that our tenants are only too ready to respond to any scheme which will help them to self-respect and a decent home.—I am, Sir, &c.,

EDWARD G. FAIRROLME (Capt.) (Hon. Treasurer, Fulham Housing 91 Dawes Road, S.W. 6. Improvement Society, Ltd.).