2 MAY 1931, Page 16


[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.]

SIR,—It is most encouraging to hear from Sir W. Beach Thomas that allotments are spreading so rapidly all over this country— thanks very much (as usual) to those true co-operative Christ- ians the Quakers—and it is particularly gratifying to know that the Government are backing them up in their good work. One may hope now that the next higher stage (of" Homecrofting ") will receive more attention.

Allotments at some distance from the village are good, but only a poor substitute-for " Homecrofts" round the house where nothing is wasted, fatigue avoided, and much valuable time saved. " Homecrofting " was one of the very latest and, perhaps, best of Mr. Strachey's pet theories, and I cannot believe the Spectator has lost interest in it.—I am, Sir, &c.,