2 MAY 1931, Page 17


[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.]

SIR,—A note under the heading "Flannelled Fools" in your Spectabilia of April 25th appears to be based on a misunderstanding which I hope you will allow me to correct. The experiment is to be tried here of allowing boys to wear open-necked shirts with either grey flannel trousers or shorts. The adoption of this new dress will be wholly voluntary, and those who wish to abide by the present regulations will be quite free to do so. The experiment is being made in the interests of hygiene and economy ; but it is believed that it will also lead to increased smartness, the importance of which is fully recognized. Moreover boys will, of course, wear ordinary lounge suits on Sundays and on all such special occasions as school lectures, important visits, &e., as well as for going out. Great strictness will be exercised in this matter, and a boy will certainly not leave school ignorant of the importance of dress and of personal appearance in society and in the business world.—! am, Sir, &c., M. L. JACKS Mil 1 Hill School, London, N..W. (Headmaster).

[Dr. Jacks omits to point out the nature of the misunder- standing to which he refers. Our note made it clear that the adoption of his experiment was not compulsory.—En. Spectator.]