2 MAY 1931, Page 26

The three technical studies which form the first part of

Economic Fragments, by Junius H. Robertson (P. S. King, 10s. 6d.), are interesting as interpretations or modifications of Marshallian orthodoxy in the matter of economic incentive, wages, and of the relations of Income Tax to costs. Such con- clusions as are reached are somewhat tentative but the essays are fertile in suggestion. The three studies in economic history are valuable as material, being statements of facts with as little as possible of reasoning from them, though it must have been difficult at times to refrain, if Mr. Robertson has refrained, from irony. The remainder of the fragments are popular addresses, reviews of books, and undergraduate pieces in all of which a sociological bias, barely restrained in the later studies comes out clearly. This will not, however, lessen their interest for the general reader, and is perhaps further accounted for by the fact that they were written before those which show a more purely scientific tendency. The essay on the stabilization of employment is of particular value as a commentary upon present-day politics.