2 NOVEMBER 1833, Page 1


THE Portuguese news this week, which reaches to the 20th of October, is favourable upon the whole to the Queen ; but no fighting of consequence has occurred between the hostile.armies. The Miguelites have retreated to Santarem, on the Tagus ; with the intention, it was presumed, of proceeding to Elves, where stores and ammunition have been collected in considerable quart- titles. The Queen's forces harassed them with constant attacks during their retreat; but do not seem to have made much impres- sion upon them. Accounts are very contradictory relative to the important fact of desertion from the Usurper's army. The Courier, which had the earliest intelligence froin Portugal this week, states that "desertions had become frequent, and the Militia and Royalists were seizing every opportunity to return to their houses. On the other hand, the Lisbon correspondent of the Times asserts, that the desertions tithe Queen's 'army have not exceeded half a dozen officers and a • hundred *privates. The retreat of the bliouelites he also states to have been conducted so far with con- siderable skill ; as no portion of their force was cut off, except a few Guerillas, whowere instantly pat to the.sword. Still, "weever, there is no doubt that Don 1Vitotnit.'s army is retreating, though in good order, before a superior force; and as it is in the highest degree improbable that any foreign power will actively interfere in his behalf, his ultimate subjection seems inevitable. The success of Don PEDRO, and the reverses of the Usurper, are regarded with extreme indifference' ,.by the great body of. the Portuguese nation. The most thoroughgoing partisans Of the Queen have not the asssurance -to -pretend that there has been any thing like, a general demonstration of popular feeling in her favour;and it does not appear that the exertions of the priesthood On behalf of their idol have been more successful. We suspect more geiauitie interest is felt by the owners of Portuguese Bonds and Scrip . on the London 'Stock Exchange and the Parisian Bourse, than by any .except the immediate dependants of. the rival brothers. - These high orlownrarket patriots, as. the chance may be, criti.hardly be suspected of insincerity in their professions of anxiety for the establishment of Liberal Or Conservative politics in the Peninsula.