2 NOVEMBER 1833, Page 9


Considerable excitement was created in Edinburgh, on Saturday, by the appearance of posting-bills on the walls, intimating that three sales by auction are to take place for arrears of Annuity-tax. Will any of the =habitants come forward as bidders? Be this as it may, we trust no eecourse will be had to violence of any kind. The question of an An- nuity-tax must, at no irery distant period, be considered and set at re:t by the only ltIgitimate.tribunal, Parliament.--Xa/edonian Mercury. On a nobleman's moors in a neighbouring county, a gang of poachers had lately the audacity to shoot a grouse at which a sportsman's dog was in the act of pointing; and, .after grossly insulting the gentleman, tin, leader of the gang stept out and observed, " that they kent wha the grand belanged to, but that the birds were as much their property as his !" A similar instance of daring was practised on a brother of the Duke of Buccleuch in the South. We are happy to learn that the names of above twenty notorious poachers are known, and that a vigo.- rous prosecution against them is commenced.—.4berdeen Herald.