2 NOVEMBER 1839, Page 15



A New Home—Who'll Follow? or Glimpses of Western Life. By Mrs. Mary (lavers, au Actual Settler Wiley and Putnam; Francis, New York. Firebox, Real Pearls in a False Setting. By the ('omit De La Pasture, late IBM Hussars. In 3 Tols Satonkrs and °tiny. Perm, The Man in the Moon; a Poem. Part the First. By an Under-Graduate of M'or.

center College, (Jxford, and Student of the inner Temple Titbiep,


The Ih.volations of Europe ; being an ilistorinl 'View of the European Nations, from tho ■:ol,vol,ion or the Roman Empiro in III, West to the Fall of Napoleon. By Cfiri,Mplon. W. Koch. Trai:•11tod from the French by Andrew CriehtOn, Secule I. Edition. O'opular Library of Mod■wr, Authors, Copyright Editions.) Inittaher and CO.