2 NOVEMBER 1839, Page 15

The King of Naples, by an ordinance dated the 9th

instant, has per- mitted the importation of tbreian books (which, however, are to be pre- viously inspected by a board censorship) at a reduction of two-thirds in the duty, but on condition that the merchants shall export in return books printed in the kingdom for an amount equal to that of the im- ported articles. In order to facilitate the surveillance of the Board of Censorship, the importer, to be entitled to the benefit of the reduction, Must introduce those books by Naples or Palermo. 'he King has also renewed a decree of 182:1 against a removal of objects of art and historical monuments from any public edifices or Private chapels, and prohibiting the demolition of any antiquities, such as temples, mausoleums, aqueducts, &es even when they are the pro- perty of private individuals.