2 NOVEMBER 1839, Page 9



The Stock Exchange will be closed to-morrow, on the occasion of one of the few holydays now kept; our week's report must therefore be made up to this afternoon. There is little scope for remark upon the English Funds, which have been in a quiescent state almost the whole week, but with a ten- dency to improve. The fluctuation has not exceeded 4 per cent. ; with the exception of India Stock, to which an impetus has been given by our success in Cabool, and it is now about 3 per cent. above our last price. Exchequer Bills, however, have not risen ; the discount upon them is as great as ever. A very painful sensation was occasioned to-day by the failure of a gentleman who ha8 long atonal high in the estimation of the members of the Stock Exchange, and whose dealings have till lately been very extensive ; his stop- page now is for a trilling amount, and has not produced any effect. In the Foreign Market, Dutch Stock has experienced a decline ; the recent rumours of a new loan having been entirely confirmed, anti the amount now stated RS required being much largerthan was at first reported. The market is firm, however; and but few bond fide sales of Stock have been made, the fall having been almost entirely occasioned by specelators. The other Northern guropean Bonds are firm and scarce, The arrival of the Lisbon mail on Tuesday caused a serious depression fit Portuguese Bonds ; the refusal of the Queen to summon an Extraordinary .Cortes to consider the recent proposition for the arrangement of the Debt, being considered as ominous of its final rejection ; every variety of this secu- rity is in consequence from 4 to 5 per cent, below our last prices. The opera- tions of the market may be described as a continuation of sales, with scarcely any reaction.

Spanish Active has been also depressed about I per cent.; though there. has not been any very great quantity of Stock pressing upon the market. The decline of this security has consequently in a great measure been caused. by the flatness of the Portuguese. The South American Securities are heavy, with the exception of Brazilian. The recent fall in this Stock has been occasioned by speculative sales; and great difficulty was experienced at the settlement to:day in finding Stock for delivery. The settlement of the Foreign Stock Account occurred to-day, and although the differences arising upon the speculations in Spanish and Portuguese Stock were heavy, it has passed over, except in the case before alluded to, without any mischief. Money has been more abundant, and the rate of continuation less than usual. The appearance of the markets is, however, any thing hue firm ; and we think it not improbable that a further decline may be experienced.


The Consol Market presents no particular feature this morning, and the price for Account is 904 4; fur Money they are 90:4 h. The only alteration to-day worthy of remark is a decline in the price of Exchequer Bills, which are quoted at 6 dia. Bank Stock is 184 In the Foreign Market, prices are flat. The Paris mail of Thursday has not yet arrived, and consequently we have no further news from Spain ; and this, added to a portion of the late ac- count remaining over for settlement till to-day, has occasioned the price of Spanish Stock to decline to 28i 4. Portuguese Five per Cents, are heavy at 334 4, and the Three per Cents. 24 3. Dutch Two-and-a-halfs have fallen to 51a T„ in consequence of a few Money sales. In other Stocks there is nothing doing, and prices remain stationary. SATURDAY, FvUR O'CLOCK.

The Consol Market is a shade lower, being quoted at 90% a for Money and. 901 4 fur the Account. In Exchequer Bills- there is no alteration. In the Foreign Market, Spanish Bonds have undergone great fluctuation ' • the price having been as high as 284 4, whence they fell to 284 4; about three o'clock a further depression took place, owing to large sales, to 271. Various reports were instantly set on foot by the-Bears as to the probable reason of this decline ; but up to the close of business, it is not believed that parties are in possession of any real intelligence from Spain ; and the real cause of the depressionis supposed to be a considerable failure which was announced at the Stock Ex- change late this afternoon. They, however, leave off at 284, with a better ap- pearance. Portuguese have fallen to 33 4; and the Three per Cents. to 221.. Columbian 304 14. Dutch Two-and-a-half per Cents, are heavy at 514 a. la other Stocks no alteration has occurred worth mentioning.

3 per Cent. Consols Ditto tor Acccamt 901 * 90)- 1 3 per Cent. Reduced 891 i New 31 per Cent. Anus 981 * Ilauk Stock 1801 India Stock 2481 Ditto Bonds 3 dis.

Exchequer Bills 6 3 dis Belgian 5 per Cents. NO 1 Brazilian 5 per Cents Danish 3 per Cents 731 73 4 Dutch 21 per Cents . 51* ;- Portuguese Regency 5 per Cts. 331 1 Ditto3 per Cents 22* 3 Russian (1822)S per Cent.... 1101 111* Spanish (1835) Spec Cent.... 281 5 Deferred Stuck 124 f Passive Ditto