2 NOVEMBER 1844, Page 2

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THE occurrences at Windsor Castle have not been important ; for the great pageant in which the Court took part occurred elsewhere. The 4.neen and Prince Albert came to town, by railway, on Saturday even- ing, to be present at the opening of the Exchange on Monday ; and they returned to the Castle in the same way after the ceremony, on Monday evening.

The Dutchess of Kent also came to town, from Frogmore, on Satur- day, and returned on Monday ; resuming her daily place at the dinner- table in the Castle, as usual.

Some visiters have been at the Castle : Lord Ellenborongh, Sir Ro- bert Peel, and the Earl of Liverpool, arrived on Monday ; Sir Robert and Lady Sale, on Wednesday ; the Sales and Lord Ellenborough de- parted on Thursday ; the other two yesterday.

The Queen gave audiences, on Wednesday, to the Jadge-Advocate- General and to Lord Elleuborough.

The Dutchess of Gloucester, who had been visiting the Queen Dow- ager at Witley Court, returned to town on Tuesday.

The Dutchess of Cambridge and the Hereditary Grand Duke and Grand Dutchess of Mecklenburg Strelitz arrived at Kew on Tuesday, from Tottenham Park, the Marquis of Ailesbury's seat in Wiltshire.