2 NOVEMBER 1895, Page 30


[TO THE EDITOR Or THE " SPECTATOR.1 Sin,—" An Exile of Erin," in the Spectator of October 19th, referring to the "Recess Committee " which we are trying to form for the promotion of practical measures of a non-con- tentious nature, says :—" The defect of Mr. Plunkett's. proposal is that it appeals to politicians." In other words, a proposal to promote legislation appeals to legislators ! Bnt in my original letter; suggesting the formation of the Com- mittee, I submitted that they should have power to add to their number. " The selections," I wrote, " need not be limited to M.P's. Any practical Irishman whose opinion is of value might be invited to join." Now that Mr. McCarthy has declined, for reasons which I do not quite understand, to co-operate in the formation and work of the Committee, and as Mr. Redmond is, I believe, willing to give it a fair trial, it is probable that the non-Parliamentary element will pre- dominate. We may yet do good work, and possibly induce my critic and many other exiles to "come back to Erin."- 1 am, Sir, &c.,