2 NOVEMBER 1907, Page 17

The Harden-Moltke libel case has ended in the acquittal of

Herr Harden, Dr. Kern, the presiding Judge, in pronouncing

judgment on Tuesday morning stated that the Court found the incriminated statements had been proved, though there was no question of holding that Count Moltke " bad committed offences in the sense of the law." The Court acchrdingly found that the defendant was not guilty of libel and acquitted him, ordering the costs of the trial to be borne by the plaintiff, Count Moltke. The verdict is undoubtedly a great personal triumph for Herr Harden, but the Times correspondent in a survey of the situation draws a careful distinction between the attitude of the crowds who applauded Herr Harden and what he calls "the manifestations of preponderant public opinion" as expressed by the leading newspapers, medical experts, &c. That opinion is in the main inclined to regard Count Moltke as a scapegoat whose punishment is dispro- portioned to his crime. In view of the inadequacy of the tribunal and the irregularity of the procedure, further legal proceedings are considered to be inevitable, and it was announced in Thursday's papers that Count Moltke has decided to appeal. We deal with the political bearings of the case elsewhere, but may note that the one perscin con- nected with it about whom there is a consensus of approval is the Crown Prince of Germany.