2 NOVEMBER 1912, Page 17

In Macedonia, Epirus, and Albania things during the week have

steadily progressed in favour of the Allies. Zeki Pasha's army, indeed, has apparently vanished, or at any rate, is making little or no stand, and the world is wondering whether the Servians or Greeks will be the first into Salonica. Probably the race will be won by the Greeks, for there seems to be very little in front of them. Meantime the Turkish garrisons are holding out stubbornly behind the walls of Tarabosch and Scutari. It is expected, however, that before long both places will fall. Speaking of fortresses, we must not forget Adrianople. Friday's telegrams from Constan- tinople claim that " the citadel" is still bolding out, which would seem to show that the ring of outside forts has been carried. It is to be feared that when it falls the Bulgarians will have no little difficulty in feeding, not only the prisoners

of war, but the very considerable civil population which appears to have been driven into the city by the Turks.