2 NOVEMBER 1912, Page 32


[To THE EDITOR OF THE spzeraTop..-1 STit,—I find the following sentence in Mr. Bernard Thomson's letter on the tragedy of General Nogi (Spectator, Oct. 26th): "From the beginning of Genesis to the end of Revelations (sic) only three instances of self-destruction are recorded--• Samson, Ahithophel, and Judas Iscariot." On reading this extraordinary statement three other instances flashed upon my mind—Saul and his armour-bearer at Gilboa, and Zimri, King of Israel, who set fire to his palace and perished in the flames. There may be more, but these are sufficient to confute Mr: Thomson's contention. Permit me to remark further that the ordinary name of the Apocalypse is singular, not plural. It hi amazing how common the use of the plural is, even amongst

men of more than average education.—I am, Sir, &e. R. Currie, N.B.