2 NOVEMBER 1951, Page 14


Set by Lewis Petrie

How often, when stung by some irritation or petty injustice of daily life, have we not exclaimed, "There ought to be a law about it !" Even without tackling such grand public questions as transport, the health service or defence, we might like to see enacted The Queues (Restraint of Jumping) Act or the Paper-wrapped Sweetmeats (Prohibition of Eating in Theatres) Act. A prize of £5 (which may be divided) is offered for a description of one such Private Persons Bill, including its main provisions, and penalties. Apart from the long and short titles, which must be given, legal language is optional, but a limit of 200 words is compulsory.

Entries must be addressed to the Spectator, 99 Gower Street, W.C.1, in envelopes marked " Competition," and must be received not later than November 14th. The results will be printed in the Spectator of November 23rd.