2 OCTOBER 1830, Page 3

A revolution of a very orthodox kind had nearly been

effected in Schwerin on the 19th of September. The object of the Libe- rals in that little Ducal town, was not to storm the Government, but the mint ; and they were Stiinnlatecr, not by the prospect Of freedom, but of an hundred and sixty thousand dollars ! The ap- proaches were made in a very legitimate way, and quite conform- able to precedent. They set fire to a house ; and under cover of the smoke, pressed forward to the vindication of their right to, appropriate the Government chest. When the soldiers attempted to reason them out of the attempt, they defended themselves a la mode de Paris, by tearing up the paving-stones, and showering them at the heads of the Anti-Liberal party. The soldiers were at length reinforced by six hundred of the townsmen, for whom arms were with some difficulty procured ; the constitutional rob- bers 'Were routed, and peace 'once more restored to the town of Schwerin. The last accounts left the duchy and the dollars both safe.