2 OCTOBER 1841, Page 14



On the 22d September, at Ballyduff House, county Kilkenny, the Lady JULIANA MATEY, of a daughter, still-born. On the 24th, at Smeaton, Lady Bucirstr HEPBURN, of a SOIL On the 26th, at Geldings. Lady Teen:sewn Fume:rasa, of a son. On the 26th, in Queen Street, Bath, the Lady of MYNOBB BASILERVILLI, Esq., M.P.. of a son. On the 27th, in Tavistock Square, the Lady of JACOB MONTETIORE, Esq.. of a daughter. On the 27th, at Layton, Essex, the Lady of W. T. COPELAND, Esq., M.P., of a son. On the 27th, at Hordle House, near Lymington, Hants, the Lady of JOHN larvirrr C,astrue. Esq., of a daughter. On the 29th, at Quedgeley House, Gloucestershire, the Lady of J. Comas HAYWARD. Esq.,. of a daughter. On the 30th, at Barnsbury Park, Islington, the Lady of the Rev. Darner. WILSON, of a daughter.


On the 21st September, in Rathfarnham Church, Forams Ettrs, Esq., third BM of the late Thomas Ellis, Esq., Master in Chancery, and M.P. for the City of Dublin, to LOUISA, second daughter of the late Sir William Mac Mahon, Master of the Rolls in Ireland.

On the 22d, ALEXANDER Dorman. Esq., Civil Eugineers, late Captain in the Spanish Service, Knight of St. Ferdinand, and Government Assistant-Surveyor at the Island of Ceylon, to CATHERTNE, daughter of James Talton, Esq., of Duudalk. On the 234, at St. Giles's, Reading, FREDERICX, second son of Lieut.-Col. Purvis, of Daraham House. Suffolk, to Cummins ELizaturnt. eldest daughter of Captain Punts, of Reading, Berkshire. On the 28th, at St. Mary's. Islington, the Rev. J. G. Hama, eldest son of F. Heish, Esq., of Blackheath, late Curate of the above parish, to Amis. Mama, second daughter of R. Heintz. Esq„ of Islington. On the 29th, at St. Mary's. Bryanstone Square, Sir ROBERT CHARLES DALLAS, Bart., to the Hon. FRANCES Hititamma„ Relict of the late Charles Des Vceux, Esq., eldest son of Sir Charles Des Vona, Bart., and youngest daughter of the late Lord Ellen- borough. On the 29th, at Christchurch, Marylebone, the Rev. W. COVRTHOPE. B.A., youngest son of the late G. Courthope, Esq., of Whiligh. Sussex. E0 CAROLINE ELIZABETH, youngest daughter of John Ryle, Esq., of Henbury. Cheshire. On the 30th, at Abbott's Langley, Herta, the Rev. RICHARD GEE, to Mearexxes, second daughter of the late Captain R. Milbourn Jackson, R.N. On the 30th, at St. Peter's Church, Dublin, Captain EDWARD Pots, of the Twelfth Royal Lancere, youngest son of Sir P. Pole, Bart., to Farrar, daughter of Colonel Grogan. On the 28th, at St. James's, Clerkenwell, Mr. JOHN QUELCH, of Pentonville, to Maar Aim, eldest daughter of John Gibbs, Esq., of Aylesbury. Buckinghamshire. DEATHS.

On the 8th June, at Santa Crux, in the island of Flores, the Azores, Air, Wife of James M'Kay, British Vice-Consul of that island, in her 42,1 year.

On the 10th July, at Sierra Lassie, FANNY Hoszasow, Wife of Thomas Hoseason, Esq.. Registrar of the Admiralty Court and C,olotrial Secretary, in her 26th year; and on the Bid of the same month, T. Hoseason, Esq., the husband, leaving four infant orphan children. PI On the 224 September, at the Palace, Salisbury, Louts t MARY, Wife of Edward Lord Bishop of Salisbury, In her 29th year. On the 224, at Clapham, Mrs. ANN STEVENS, In her 89th year. On the 234, at Niton, Isle of Wight, while bathing, the Rev. ROBERT PHILIP BLARE. RC Pembroke College, Cambridge, and Stoke next.Guildford, Surrey, it, his 41st year, On the 24th, at Bath, Haaatrr, Wife of John Macuaught, M.D., late of Clarendon, Jamaica.

On the 28th. at St. Robyn Rectory, Cornwall, the Rev. Gaareenzx Levssosr Gowns. On the 29th, at the Green Park Lodge, Piccadilly, the Right Hon. Lady Wmusat GORDON, in her 80th year. On the 30th, at Farming Woods, Northamptonshire, the Lady GERTRUDE FITZ. PATRICK.