2 OCTOBER 1852, Page 20



Parlay the Potter. The Life of Bernard Palissy, of Saintes, his Labours and Discoveries in Art and Science ; with an Outline of his Philoso- phical Doctrines, and a Translation of Illustrative Selections from his Works. By Henry Morley. In two volumes. Journals of a Landscape Painter in Southern Calabria, 4-e. By Ed- ward Lear, Author of "Journals of a Landscape Painter in Albania," &c. Village Life in Egypt, with Sketches of the Said. By Bayle St. John, Author of "Two Years' Residence in a Levantine Family."-- In two volumes.

Reuben Medlicott ; or the Coming Man. By M. W. Savage, Esq., Au-

thor of " The Bachelor of the Albany,".&c. In three volumes.

Beatrice, or the Unknown Relatives. By Catherine Sinclair, Author of " MOdem Accomplishments," &c.

Phaethon • or Loose Thoughts for Loose Thinkers. By the Reverend Charles kingsley, Canon of Middleham, and Rector of Eversley.

Landmarks of History. Ancient History : from the Earliest Times to the Mahometau Conquest. By the Author of "Rings of England," &e, [The design of this book is to bring into connexion the events most neces- sary to be remembered in ancient history, and to convey ageneral idea of e the characteristics and course of the changing empires of classical times, with an especial view to the better understanding of Scripture history, and the growth of the Church." The plan is well arranged ; it suggests a dis- tinct idea of the succession of empires ; and the writer does not neglect the "course" and leading "characteristics" of ancient history, to accumulate barren facts. There is too implicit a following of stories now doubted or ex- ploded ; and the book is as much an abridgment as an essay upon epochs. That certain epochs should be curtly treated is inevitable, from the scale to which the writer is confined.] Handbook of Natural Philosophy and Astronomy. By Dionysius Lard- ner, D.C.I,., formerly Professor of Natural Philosophy and Astronomy in University College, London. Second Course. Heat—Common Electricity—Magnetism—Voltaic Electricity. With upwards of two hundred Illustrations.

[The object of this second course is similar to that of the first—to render " a knowledge of the elements of physics" attainable without pursuing them through their mathematical consequences and details. The work is addressed to general and professional students, to the engineer and artisan, and to those who having already entered upon the active pursuits of busi- ness are still desirous to sustain and improve their knowledge of the general truths of physics." The illustrations and demonstrations have accordingly been adapted to such readers, and with the clearness both of arrangement and expression which characterize Dr..Lardner's philosophic works.]

The Fall of Adam, from Milton's "Paradise Lost " By the Reverend

Charles Eyre, A.B., Trim Coll. Camb., 1807; Author of the "Illus- trations of St. Paul."

[The mere scheme of the Reverend Mr. Eyre is to present Milton's narrative of the fall of Adam, excluding all extraneous matter. In this there is no great harm ; for the first and second books, with the-subsequent scenes in Paradise till the close of the ninth book, embrace the finest passages in Mil- ton's poem. Omissions perhaps are not greatly to be complained of, if the object was brevity, instead of critical display .but to improve the text, as Mr. Eyre attempts, without any motive whatever, is sheer presumption. Prosaic emendations are scattered throughout the book, without any object but that of exhibiting the author's opinion of his own powers. Milton, for example, describes the effect of Beelzebub's suggestion- " Thus Beelzebub

Pleaded his devilish council . . . . . . . The bold design

Pleased highly those infernal States, and joy Sparkled in all their eyes; with full assent They vote." This passage Mr. Eyre drags down into the following prose- .' Thus spoke Beelzebub ; the bold design

Pleased highly the whole conclave, and great joy Sparkled in their fierce eyes; with one assent They vote."]

Three Years in Europe; or Places I have Seen and People I have Met:. By W. Wells Brown, a Fugitive Slave. With a Memoir of the Author, by William Farmer, Esq. JA series of letters, in which W. Brown, the fugitive American slave and itinerant Anti-Slavery lecturer, narrates his observations on France and. England, from his first arrival in July 1849 as an American delegate to the Peace Congress in Paris, till the autumn of last year and the close of the Great Exhibition. The remarks are mostly superficial, and have a kind of puerile character ; doubtless from the author's early disadvantages, and the time of life at which he acquired any education. The most remarkable point is the frequent assertion, on the cases before him, that the labourers of this country are much better off than the slaves in America.] Home Days; or the Scrap-book. By C. D. B. Nut and Drawn in .hfouseland.

[Two juvenile tales of a trivial character.]

The death of the Duke of Wellington has given rise to many reprints or compilations connected with his career. Last week, Messrs. Longman re- printed the Life from the Times, at a shilling ; this week, Mr. Bentley, un- der the title of the "The People's Life," sends forth for sixpence the Memoir originally published in the Daily News, with the philosophic "leader" from the same journal as an introduction, and translations of the articles in L' Union and L' Assemblie. The same bibliopole has included in his "Shil- ling Series" the account of the Battle of Waterloo, with appropriate addi- tions, from Professor ermay's Decisive Battles of the World. Messrs. Orr have published an original "Life of the Duke of Wellington," by Mr. James Ward, for sixpence ; while Mr. Booth has taken advantage of the occasion to issue an eleventh edition of "Booth's Battle of Waterloo," in a serial form, at a cheaper price, with the original maps, plans, portraits, &c.; and a me- moir of the Duke.

The Peoples Life of the _Duke of Wellington.

The Battle of Waterloo. By Professor Creasy. (Bentley's Shilling Series.) The Life of his Grace the Duke of Wellington. By James Ward; Au- thor of "The World in its Workshops."

The History of the Battles of Ligny, Quatre Bras, and Waterloo, &c. With a brief Memoir of the Duke of Wellington, the Emperor Napo- leon, F. M. Prince Bliicher, H. S. H. the Duke of Brunswick, &c. Illustrated by Maps and Plans, Portraits of Wellington and Bliicher, and thirty-four Etchings from Drawings by George Jones, B.A., &O. Part L .Principles of Elocution ; containing numerous Rules, Observations, and Exercises, on Pronunciation, Pauses, Inflections, Accent, and Em- phasis, &c. By Thomas Ewing, Author of a "System of Geography," &c. Thoroughly revised and greatly improved, by F. B. Calvert, A.lsf. Thirteenth edition.

Devereux. By Sir Edward Bulwer Lytton, Bart. With a Frontispiece. The Cagoe s Hut ; and the Conscript's Bride. By T. C. Grattan. Nineveh ; its Rise and Ruin ; as illustrated by Ancient Scriptures and

Modern Discoveries. A new edition, revised and enlarged, with sup- " plementary Notes. By the Reverend John Blackburn. Pamiquarrs.

.ntional Education. The Secular System, the Manchester Bill, and the Government Scheme Contrasted. By the Reverend Francis Close, A.M., Incumbent of Cheltenham.

Contributions to the Physical Geography of South-eastern Asia and Australia. 1i, George Windsor Earl. The Validity of Manages with a Wife's Sister celebrated Abroad. t3

By EdmundBeckett Denison, of Lincoln's Inn, Barrister-at-law.